Sunday, April 27, 2008

Reno rocks while Minnesota gets snow

Just got a return email from my brother in Reno. He and family are OK and the house didn't fall into the gully adjacent to his fine home during the 4.7 earthquake. That is a VERY GOOD THING!
Here in MN we got from 1/2 inch to 18 inches of SNOW on April 26 making us very glad we live in the half inch area. Even the highway to North Dakota was closed overnight due to blowing and drifting. Fun! I recall a trip I was allowed to go on as a junior high student. A male teacher had to drive from our small East-central town in South Dakota to Rapid City in the Blackhills. Normally this would be about a 5-6 hour trip, but we got into a BAD blizzard and couldn't see past the hood ornament. He knew we had to keep moving or else. I had to lean out the open window and try to see the edge of the road and give directions as he drove about 10-15 miles per hour.
"Right. Left. Right a little bit---More---Left! Left--- right" and so on. Finally we came to a little town and a motel. He called my folks, got us two rooms and I found a rack of paperback books. I started my lifelong love of science fiction by reading THE CAVES OF STEEL by Isaac Asimov. It was and is one of the greatest stories ever.
My left ear, nose and side of my face looked sunburned for a week and hurt like crazy from thawing out from the frostbite, but we made it to Rapid City the next afternoon!! Not much of an adventure like Krakauer, Byrd, or Heyerdahl, but good enough for a 13 year old boy.

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