Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring has sprung!!

As dau, Anne told her Mom yeaterday, "I know it is REALLY Spring when the streetsweeper comes along." Well, it came today. A real harbinger, like the robin and the disappearance of the last of our snow piled up by the plow. We live on a cul-de-sac and it seems the easiest place for the plow to put it is mainly on our lot.. Not a major problem, but irritating anyhoo.
The LSW is wandering in the yard picking up sticks and I am seeing tiny sprouts poking up from the rhubarb (mentioned in an earlier post) and other plants I can't name yet--too small. We also have innumerable tiny holes in the baby grass from the squirrels digging for nuts they think they may have burried there last Fall. It looks like their success rate is about forty per cent.
We live in a heavily wooded area--just yesterday I saw these colors of squirrel: RED, GREY, BLACK, and WHITE. It is amazing the variety of colore in these little devils. Fun to watch!! More signs of Spring. HOORAY!

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