Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No Ho, but the winds DO blow!

The damn thing is fistulated again!!!!!!!!! My doc says he feels really bad for me, but the fact of it re-forming shows that this is NOT THE TIME to operate again. Since the lower tract is working well and I can handle the abdomonal leakage with dressings, we "Should let it alone and see if it will heal by itself which is possibly. This waiting for scar tissue to fill in and close the abdominal surgical incision might include growing over and closing the fistula also.
We can also handle the severe bilateral knee pain with Lidocaine patches my surgeon prescribed. They really work pretty good. 12 hours of greatly decreased pain and then 12 hours of Aleve when patches not on. I can do this, but the LSW and I should not have to--it's just not fair!! We don't deserve the punioshment, but maybe it's a blessing considering that some folks don't even have legs and bowels. More later. Is anyone even reading this blog??

1 comment:

Tom Smart said...

Yes, I'm reading. It's just hard to know what to say. Maybe you can put powder on your belly...