Monday, May 19, 2008

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lucky!!! The LSW made me a rhubarb pie which, when I first smelled (3 whole minutes), I damn near went into sensory overload. I had mentioned the large cake the two of us ate in two days, but still could hardly control my tastebuds as they tried to pry open my teeth and get to the steaming hot pie. Hold on!!! you don't want R_O_M (Roof of Mouth) burns again this year. Patience is a virtue.
When we finally dove headfirst into this great pie, I was astonished that it was every bit as good as the cake!! Man!! What a cook!!! She is too great to be believed. This first rhubarb pie of the season was so good, we didn't even need whipped topping or icecream to cover it, and that is really saying something for topping and IC addicts.
We had another great meal on Sunday. I grilled steak outside and she made the first potato salad of the year AND we had MORE of that fine pie. Fried mushrooms, too. Life is good. The Lindens are all leafed out and the grass is as green as the face of a first time boater in a gale. The yard looks like a prize winner again. It's amazing what a plan followed to its end after 10 years can show. I want to call our place God's Little Half-Acre since we don't have as much as the Title of Erskine Caldwell's 1933 book. Ours has much less sex and intrigue, though. More later---pie time again.

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