Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Surgery-Schmergery!! A cut above.

I just saw my surgeon. You know it's not a good thing to have your own surgeon, but I do. He's a nice guy and very accomplished, but I'd much rather have my own private jet pilot than a surgeon. I want flights of fancy and not to be having so much fun (being kept in stitches).
Anyhoo, I need to get the prior surgical incision closed and non-infected so I can get a re-do of my ten year old left knee and probably get a total knee replacement done on the right one. Bionic man? Hardly, but I can see the handwriting on the wall.
I won't regale you with any more of this--just wanted to get it off my chest. Surgery is so much easier than it used to be and anesthesia is much, much safer. I don't look forward to any of this, but I sure hope to be able to look back sometime and say, "Well, that wasn't too bad."

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